This page last updated March 10, 2025 |

Germans are known to gripe about just about everything, and unfortunately over the past
few years, their complaints about the trains are becoming more credible. While Germany
easily has one of the world's largest passenger rail systems — the largest in Europe,
in fact — the country's longstanding (and well-deserved, I might add) reputation for efficiency
and punctuality has taken a huge hit in the past decade, mostly due to an overall lack of
investment in infrastructure since reunification. However, major reconstruction
is now under way to resolve the long-standing neglect and finally modernize the network.
That said, train service in Germany on the whole is still quite good. There
aren't many places of significance that you can't reach, and the trip
will generally be comfortable and, with planning, economical. Europe in general has a high
utilization of trains, and Germany is especially reliant on them, with nearly 7 million people
a day using trains. After the automobile, rail is by far the most common means of transportation
as evidenced by the fact that three of Europe's five busiest stations — and 11 of the
top 20 — are in Germany.
On this page:
The Deutsche Bahn was formerly a government monopoly created from the old West German Deutsche Bundesbahn (German Federal Railways) and East German Reichsbahn (Imperial Railways), but it is now completely privatized (although it is still owned entirely by the government), with the different business components (passenger services, cargo, and infrastructure) each spun-off to its own subsidiary. Connections between the former eastern and western halves of the country have been upgraded and expanded, and nearly all of the roadbed in the eastern part of the nation has now either been upgraded or junked.

Ironically, one of the biggest intercity bus companies — FlixBus, which was born specifically to compete with rail — now also operates multiple intercity train routes in Germany, and the service is named — you guessed it — FlixTrain. It offers super-low fares using mostly refurbished 1970s-era IC train sets that provide most of the amenities of contemporary DB IC trains including relatively comfortable seats, free Wi-Fi, and electrical outlets at each seat. Perhaps the biggest trade-off is that their trains have no air conditioning, relying instead on open windows for ventilation. During most of the year, this is probably acceptable, but can get quite uncomfortable in summer months. But if you're on a tight budget, FlixTrain can be a good value.

While timetables and tickets for most of the non-DB services are available on the DB's website, FlixTrain's are not, so you'll need to go straight to the FlixTrain website to check times and fares and to purchase tickets. Alternatively, you can purchase tickets at any FlixBus station, and at a growing number of newsstands, tobacco shops, and grocery stores.
Long-distance buses were once prohibited in Germany by laws designed to protect the DB from competition. With the repeal of those laws in 2013, several low-cost intercity bus companies emerged, and a significant share of intercity passenger traffic shifted to bus. See the intercity bus page for more info on that mode of travel.
While weather and delays of inbound international trains play a role, the biggest culprit is decades of under investment in the rail network, resulting in congestion bottlenecks due to inadequate capacity as well as equipment failures due to deferred maintenance. The DB and federal government are working on solutions to improve on-time rates, including major reconstruction and expansions of the 40 busiest rail corridors that started in mid 2024 and will last through 2030. This program was designed to completely refurbish each corridor in its entirety at one time over the course of a few months instead of the "death by a thousand cuts" approach of the previous piecemeal upgrades. While each project will result in significant service changes and disruptions during construction, it should result in more immediate and substantial improvements as each phase is completed.
Also on the horizon is a massive timetable overhaul called "Deutschlandtakt". This plan, which is very similar to Switzerland's timetable scheme, will standardize and harmonize the schedules so that there will be connections between the big cities at 30 minute intervals at the same clockface time each hour, with regional traffic at interchange stations then being coordinated in the intervening time so that transfers are easier. It was initially planned to implement this in 2030, but recent reports are that this deadline may have been too ambitious given the network upgrades now being undertaken as well as just the sheer scope of the program.
Somewhat unexpectedly, many local trains in the big cities (especially the Frankfurt and Rhein-Ruhr areas) have exteriors covered by graffiti, reminiscent of New York subway trains from the 1980s. Generally, it's mainly the lower-end local and regional trains that suffer from these problems, and no matter what the exterior of the train looks like, the interior will usually be quite clean, aside from occasional spilled drinks and litter.
It's not uncommon for train sets rolling through Germany to contain carriages or locomotives from neighboring countries.
The DB was once developing the world's first magnetic-levitation inter-city passenger train line between Berlin and Hamburg, but it was cancelled due to a number of political issues. But another maglev line, connecting Munich's central station and airport, is now being considered.

Train categories
The DB offers a hierarchical assortment of services identified by an alphabet soup of letters, although the variety has been pared down a bit in recent years. Services are divided into two main categories: regional and long-distance, and this divide is relevent for fares and ticket policies. Here are most of the train types and designations, in descending order of speed and coverage:
RB trains typically skip stops in areas served by an S-Bahn. In some places, there is no distinction between RE and RB trains, with routes simply labeled "R".
Some areas also have local or regional services with other branding such as the FEX (Flughafen-Express) in Berlin, RRX (Rhein Ruhr Express) in the Rhein-Ruhr region, AKN (Altona-Kaltenkirchen-Neumünster) in the Hamburg region, and the MEX (Metropolexpress) in the Stuttgart region. DB competitors often also use different names or designations for their services, with some also getting a DB regional designation. Most regional trains are underwritten by state and local governments.
Long-distance trains (ICE and IC) are usually white (or technically, light gray) with a red stripe, although the engines on some ICE trains now sport a green stripe signifying the train's eco-friendliness. Local and regional trains (IRE, RE, RB, and S) are usually red with gray stripes, although many state-sponsored regional routes use trains with a custom livery. Many regional trains are double-decker, and there is now a double-deck IC train ("InterCity 2") in service on several routes. See "Long-disance/high-speed trains" below for more details on those trains.
If your journey takes you to an out-of-the-way locale, part of your trip may utilize a train known as a"Railbus" (Schienenbus). This is a short one or two car train that, as its name implies, is basically a bus on tracks, and provides service on feeder routes with lower ridership. Just like buses, many stops along these routes are flag stops, i.e. the train only stops on request.

If you will be traveling with a bicycle, you can check for trains that will allow them on the DB's timetable and booking website (see "Timetables and schedules" below).
The DB also has a bicycle rental service in several cities named "Call-a-bik"".

Long-distance/high-speed trains
The ICE and IC/EC are the fastest trains on the DB roster and provide most of the DB's long-distance connections. Most ICE and IC/EC routes have service frequently through the day, many times hourly and often at the same time each hour. It is highly recommended that you reserve a seat on these trains, especially on weekends and holidays, or you may end-up sitting or standing in the aisles or vestibules. More on seat reservations under "Tickets" below.

The ICE has dramatically reduced travel time on nearly every long distance route. For example, the Munich to Hamburg journey, which took an agonizing eight hours in the old days, now takes a more tolerable six hours, and travel times along the Cologne-Frankfurt run, with trains hurtling along at the ICE's top speed, dropped from 2¼ hours to about one hour. Planned future improvements to the high-speed network will continue to decrease travel times.
Unfortunately, the ICE could shave even more travel time off the longer journeys, but due to political pressure, most ICE routes stop in some questionable "should-a-high-speed-train-really-stop-here" places. Fortunately, there are now a few ICE "Sprinter" trains that connect the biggest cities with fewer intermediate stops a few times a day during the morning and evening (and sometimes midday), shaving 30 minutes or more off of travel times.

There are now four generations of ICE trains — with the fifth generation expected to debut in 2024 — operating on over a dozen lines connecting all the principal cities. Several routes run on specially-built roadbeds designed for high speed, while on other routes, ICE trains run on conventional shared roadbeds that have been improved to allow for increased speeds. A few routes are served by tilting trains, i.e. trains that can lean into curves to allow for safe higher speeds on conventional tracks.
ICE trains are pressurized to minimize the annoying ear discomfort to passengers caused by high speed travel through the many tunnels on the system.
Besides being the fastest, the ICE is also the most well-appointed of GermanRail trains. These trains feature air conditioning, adjustable cushioned seats, individual reading lights, free Wi-Fi with free entertainment (bring your own device), and electrical outlets.

Much of the IC rolling stock is in the process of being replaced with ICE fourth-generation train sets as well as a substantial number of double-decker "IC2" trains.

High-speed ICE/TGV links connect Paris to Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Munich, and, since late 2024, Berlin, and additional ICE and ECE routes cross into neighboring countries, with Basel, Amsterdam, Salzburg, Zurich, and Vienna being major destinations. Even more international high-speed connections are in the works, and Germany has even proposed bringing-back the venerable Trans-Europe-Express (TEE) service, which ferried passengers in first class comfort between major cities until 1995. The "TEE 2.0" concept was approved in 2021, but as of March 2025, it appears to still be in planning with no announced start date.
Overnight trains
There are many long-distance trains, both domestic and international, that operate overnight. Using a night train can add additional free time to your trip by allowing you to combine travel and sleep time. Many budget travelers use overnight trains entirely in lieu of hotels.
In 2016, the DB discontinued its extensive sleeper train services (Nachtzug, City Night Line) as a result of losses incurred due to the cost of maintaining and renovating the rolling stock and declining ridership as travelers chose faster daytime services or cheap flights instead. Instead, the DB increased some late-night and early-morning ICE and IC services, which unfortunately do not offer the dedicated sleeping accommodations that traditional overnight trains do.
However, a few other train companies — most notably, the Austria national railway's (ÖBB) "NightJet" service — stepped in to provide traditional night train services across Germany as well as internationally. For example, routes in Germany include Munich to Budapest, Venice, Rome, or Vienna; Hamburg to Vienna or Zurich; Berlin to Budapest, Vienna, or Zurich, and several stops in Germany on the Amsterdam-Vienna line. These trains offer the traditional sleeper (Schlafwagen) and couchette (Liegewagen) carriages, as well as standard coach carriages. A few also offer vehicle transportation ("car train") services as well.
Sleepers feature compartments with 1-3 bunks, mattresses and linens, and usually a small washbasin with hot and cold running water. There are sometimes also "deluxe" sleepers with compartments that also include a toilet and shower. Sleepers are full-service and attended by a porter who will provide whatever assistance you require.
Couchette (pronounced koo-SHET) berths are a cheaper (and ergo less luxurious) form of the sleeper. Each couchette compartment has 4-6 bunks. You will be provided with a pillow, sheet, and blanket, but you'll be expected to sleep in your street clothes or something similar (e.g. sweats).

For both sleepers and couchettes, you can book an individual bunk or the entire compartment. If you book a bunk, you will likely be sharing the same compartment with other travelers. Most trains do offer a women-only carriage for women who are traveling alone.
Many night trains provide breakfast and possibly dinner or a snack included in the ticket price, and additional snacks and beverages can be purchased onboard and delivered to your compartment.
Both types of compartments have racks or closets to store luggage and usually also have locking doors to the corridor. The conductors and porters also act as watchmen to help keep out the riffraff. It's a good idea, however, to sleep with any significant amounts of money, credit cards, plane tickets, cell phones, or other valuables either locked in a secure bag or in a money belt safely on your person. You should also consider locking or at least clipping your bags to a stationary object.
If you don't want to spring for the couchette or sleeper, you can always try sleeping in the regular coach seats if the train has them. In open coach seating, you'll have the same dilemma as sleeping on an airplane — seats that don't recline much and mysteriously get progressively more uncomfortable as the night drags on. In trains with compartment seating, you may be able to make a bed from the seats. To do so, see if you can pull the seat out from the bottom. If so, the back cushion will then slide down behind the bottom cushion. The armrest can then be stowed up, forming a cushioned reclined surface. Pull out the opposing seat and you'll have an ersatz bed. If desired, you'll need to provide your own linens — a sleep sack works well for this, so if you plan to do this, make sure to pack one.
Overnight trains have been making a comeback in the past few years as people become more interested in environmental sustainability as well as nostalgia. There's still something magical about going to sleep in Munich and waking up in Venice.

Tickets can be purchased at the station, but it's probably best to book them online. The Austrian railway's NightJet site is the best source for more information and booking of their own services as well as those of other operators of overnight services in Europe.
Note that bunk numbering is not always intuitive, so ask the porter or conductor if you're not sure you've located the correct bunk.
In both the sleeper and couchette carriages, the conductor or porter may take your tickets and passport and keep them for the duration of the trip to avoid having to wake you for ticket or passport checks. You will get them back when you arrive at your destination.
Shortly before arrival at your destination, you will be awoken by the conductor or porter. If you are disembarking at the last stop on the line (which is often the case), you will typically be allowed a reasonable amount of time to get up, get ready, and get off, especially if the train arrives before 7:00am.
Timetables and schedules
There used to be a day not too long ago when you had to purchase the massive timetable book (Kursbuch), call the DB, or visit a travel agent if you wanted to check train schedules without trekking down to the station. Nowadays, of course, the Internet makes finding schedules anywhere much simpler. The DB has an excellent website — maybe the best in Europe, and in several languages no less — from which you can get train schedules for nearly all of Europe for any date and time that has published schedules. For most domestic and many international trips, once you've located your desired connection, you can then purchase and print your tickets.
Some tips on using this service:
- Be sure to include "Hbf" (the abbreviation for Hauptbahnhof) if you want the central station for a large city (e.g. "Hamburg Hbf" is the central station for Hamburg). Berlin's massive new Hauptbahnhof opened in 2006 and replaced the Zoo and Ostbahnhof stations as Berlin's primary long-distance station, although several stations still also serve long-distance trains. By the way, the "(Main)" in "Frankfurt (Main) Hbf" doesn't mean the "main" Hauptbahnhof (that would be redundant) — it means it's Frankfurt on the Main River; there's another Frankfurt way over in eastern Germany on the Oder River, listed, of course, as "Frankfurt (Oder)".
- You can use either the German or English spelling for cities — for example, either "Munich", "München", or "Muenchen" will work.
- For large cities with multiple long-distance stations, the drop-down selection may show the city name in capital letters (e.g. "BERLIN"); if you select this, it will search for connections to all the stations in that city. This can help you find a connection to a station in town that may be a better fit for you than the Hauptbahnhof.
- Remember that dates in Germany are written dd.mm.yy (e.g. Christmas in 2020 was 25.12.20), and that time is on the 24-hour clock (e.g. 7:00pm = 19:00).
- If you are going to be using a rail pass or already have tickets, you can ignore the pricing information. You may be prompted to fill-in your age — this is so the system can calculate the proper fare. Again, if you have a pass, you can just feed it your "wish" age.
- When searching for a station, note that the DB timetables include local transit services as well, so the list may include bus stops, subway stations, or airports that closely resemble what you submitted. If you know your ultimate destination, this can be helpful in finding connections all the way through to that last stop.
Over the past few years, many cool new features have been added to the DB website. For instance, there is now a feature to automatically create and download a calendar item for your electronic calendar. There is a section that shows you the services and a map of the station or a map of the route. And there's even a section that will compare the estimated time, costs, and environmental impacts of the various other modes of transport for your journey.

Of course, timetables are still posted in the station (see "At the Station" below). You can also get "quickie" schedules from the ticket vending machines in stations, or just use the DB app or website on your mobile phone.

Tickets/passes and reservations
Like any major transportation service, the DB offers a myriad of tickets, fare schedules, and special deals. Even railway officials sometimes have problems navigating the Byzantine structure of the DB's ticketing options. To top it off, train travel in Germany, while a good value, can be a bit pricey, especially if you book at the last minute; significant discounts are usually available if you can book early.
To decide whether to purchase a pass, you should do a rough calculation of the cost of point-to-point tickets for your planned train travel by using the DB's website. If the sum total of point-to-point tickets exceeds the cost of a pass, then the pass will be a better deal. But note that passes offer the most flexibility as you can use any train you want on a day your pass is valid, whereas the discounted point-to-point fares limit you to a specific train and departure. So if that flexibility is important to you, a pass still might be the right choice for you even if it's more expensive than point-to-point fares.
The DB used to offer the German Rail Pass and discounted versions of it for couples and youth, but those have all been discontinued. Instead, you can get a single-country Eurail or Interrail pass for Germany. These are offered in both first and second class for 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, or 15 travel days either consecutively or within a one-month period from the first day of use. Children under age 12 are free when included with an adult, while young people from age 12 to 27 get a reduced price. See the links at the bottom of this page for sites to price and purchase passes.

If you purchase a pass, be sure to read the directions for using it and follow them precisely. Ignorance is not considered an excuse for not properly using your pass, and you may be fined (or worse, publicly humiliated) if you don't follow the required steps. However, the steps to use a pass are generally quite easy.
As you might expect, passes are available in digital format nowadays. To use it, you have to download the Eurail app and add your pass to it. You then activate it for the first date you'll be traveling. For each train that you board, you'll need to add it to the pass in the app; instructions for doing so should be included when you purchase the pass or on the website of the provider where you purchase it.
If you're old school, you can usually still get a paper pass, usually for a small additional fee. If you opt for this, you'll need to get the pass validated before the first use by going to a ticket counter at the station and presenting the pass and your passport to the agent. He or she will then stamp the pass and fill-in the valid dates. You can do this just before the first time you use it or you can do it in advance if you like; just make sure to tell the agent your desired validity start date if you're not going to start using it right away. (This can be beneficial if you're planning an early start and don't want to wait in line to get your pass validated.) Then, each day that you use your pass (including the first day), write the date in ink in the appropriate box on the pass before you board the first train that day. If you have any questions, ask at the information desk or ticket office in the station before boarding your train.
Note that passes, like point-to-point tickets, do not guarantee you a seat; you still need to purchase a separate seat reservation if you want one or if the train you will using requires one. You can do this either on the DB app or website, or at the station; see the "seat reservations" section below for more information.
For long-distance trips, there are four types of tickets:
- Flexpreis: This is the full fare and offers the most flexibility (hence the name). These tickets can be used on any train in the same category or lower on the date of validity. Cancellations, changes, and refunds are free up to one day before the travel date, then for a €19 fee thereafter. This ticket includes use of local public transportation ("City-Ticket") on the same day at each end of your train journey if your journey is more than 100 km.
- Flexpreis Plus: An enhanced version of the Flexpreis fare. These tickets allow you to start your journey within a four day period that begins one day before your booked travel date and ends two days after. Cancellations, changes, and refunds are free up to the end of that validity period, then incur a €19 fee thereafter. A seat reservation is included as is use of local public transportation on each end of your train journey.
- Sparpreis: Discount ticket with less flexibility than the Flexpreis. You must book at least a day before your trip. These tickets are only valid on the train listed on the ticket (with the exception of local and regional trains, for which use of any train to that destination that day is allowed). You can cancel or change up to the day before departure, but there is a €10 fee to do so, and you will receive the refund as a voucher for future travel. Free use of local public transportation on the same day at each end of your train journey is included. These fares start off quite cheap (as low as €22) when first published six months before departure, but generally start to climb closer to the departure date, especially on busier dates and routes.
- Super Sparpreis: This is the cheapest fare available. As with the Sparpreis, you must book at least a day before your trip, and it is restricted to the train connections you book. However, there are no cancellations, exchanges, or refunds, and this ticket does not include local public transportation either.
Regional trains still have a single fixed price with no need to purchase in advance. Furthermore, you can use regional transport cooperative (Verkehrsverbund) tickets (i.e. the same ticket you get for local public transport) on all regional trains provided, of course, it covers the required number of zones; see the Urban Public Transport page for more information.
Children under age 15 ride free when accompanied by a paying adult.
Except for the FlexPreis Plus, seat reservations are not included unless you're purchasing a first class ticket. However, you can add a reservation at the time of purchase for an additional fee. If you don't, you can still purchase a reservation later.
The "old-fashioned" way: Go to the station, locate the departure timetable (large yellow schedules), and find the train that you want to use. Note the train number and departure time. Then go to the ticket counter (in larger stations, look for "Reisezentrum" signs) and give this information and your destination to the ticket agent. Many agents speak English, but if they don't, and you don't speak German, write the train number (e.g. "ICE 123"), departure time, destination, number of tickets (e.g. "2 Tickets"), and first or second class (e.g. "2. Klasse") on a slip of paper and hand it to the agent. Be prepared to wait in line a bit as the ticket counters at busy stations are often not as well-staffed as they could/should be (Germans don't work cheap after all). Also, make sure that the line you are in will get you the service you need — in some stations, there are still special lines for express service (just tickets- no reservations or information), and domestic (Inland) or international (Ausland) tickets.
Some tips: I suggest that you use the DB's website to determine the approximate fares ahead of time. That way, you'll know if you are getting the correct fare when you purchase. If you have the time, I've also been told it's worthwhile to "shop around" at the station. Get a quote from one agent, then get a quote from a second agent. If they match, OK. If one's cheaper than the other, make sure you're getting the right ticket. If so, then go for the cheaper one.
If you're not confident about reading the timetables, the ticket agents can also help you find connections. Simply tell the agent where you're going and they will produce a computer printout listing the next few scheduled connections and timetables and can book your tickets there on the spot.

The "newfangled" ways: If you're up-to-speed with technology and don't want to wait in line, or just fear face time with Teutonic train emissaries, you have two options. Option one (and probably the best nowadays) is to book your own tickets online at either the DB's efficient website (see the timetables section above) or the "DB Navigator" mobile app.
Option two is to use the prolific self-service ticket vending machines (usually marked "Fahrkarten" but sometimes "Fahrausweis", "Fahrschein", or "Tickets") that you'll find in most stations. Make sure it has the "DB" logo on it — there may be ticket machines just for local transit services, and you usually can only get regional tickets from those. In the not-too-distant past, you could only use the machines to buy tickets for journeys of less than 100 km. Nowadays, you can purchase tickets and seat reservations for any distance from these machines, as well as obtain schedules, purchase local transit tickets, and get other information. The machines are multi-lingual and touch-screen operated and are fairly intuitive. Some of the machines only take credit cards, others only cash, but most now take both, so double-check before you start to make sure the machine will accept your payment type.

If all else fails: As a last resort, tickets can be purchased on board the train from the conductor. Note, however, that this is typically only available on long-distance trains as most local and many regional trains no longer have conductors. Be sure to approach the conductor before he finds you; otherwise, it will appear as if you were attempting to be a stowaway and you could be fined for Schwartzfahren (literally "black riding", or riding without a valid ticket). Tickets purchased on-board will be for the full Flexpreis fare plus a 10% surcharge, so use this only as a last resort.
If you have a Germany-only rail pass and want to travel from Germany to an international destination, you can use your pass to get to the border, but you'll need a separate ticket from there to your destination. You can buy this ticket at the station in Germany by simply explaining your plan to the ticket agent. They'll figure-out which border crossing you'll be using so as to get you the right ticket. You'll then show your Germany rail pass to the German conductor and the supplemental ticket to the conductor after you've crossed the border.

As of 2025, the standard fee for a reservation is €5.20 for each second class seat reserved, and €6.50 for first class. If you are traveling as a family of five people or less with children up to 14 years old, you can purchase a "family reservation" (Familienreservierung) for €10.40 for second class, and €13.00 for first class. In all cases, a reservation all connecting trains is included free unless reservations on one or more of the legs are mandatory.
If you book online, you can select your seat from a map and get just what you want. Otherwise, if you're purchasing in person, you'll probably have to state your preferences. You can specify Großraumwagen or Abteilwagen. The Abteilwagen has compartments that open onto a corridor along one side of the carriage. Each compartment has four to six total seats facing each other. The Großraumwagen is the typical open coach carriage (called a "saloon" on the English version of the DB website) with varying seat configurations. Note that not all trains have both. If you want a window seat (am Fenster), aisle seat (am Gang), or a table (am Tisch), be sure to specify that, too. Smoking is no longer permitted on German trains, so that's one less choice to make.
See the section "On Board" below for information on claiming your seat aboard the train.
In the case of a major service disruption, the DB will usually issue a blanket waiver for the affected routes. Check the DB website in these cases for more information.
If your train is cancelled and you are unable to continue your journey until the following day, contact DB staff who will either arrange alternate transport or overnight accommodations.
If your arrival at your destination is delayed by one hour or more, you are entitled to a partial refund. You will need to submit paperwork to obtain this refund.
If your train is cancelled, or will be delayed more than one hour, and you wish to abandon your trip, you are entitled to a full refund. If you have already started your journey, you can take a train back to your point of origin.
For more information on your rights with regards to delays and cancellations, see the DB's passenger rights site for more information. Some restrictions apply to refunds, so it's probably best to discuss your particular situation with an agent at a DB travel center.
Finally, note that if you had a seat reservation on a train that was cancelled or missed, the reservation does not transfer. If a train is cancelled, the next few trains are likely to be full as passengers from the cancelled train transfer to them, so you'll want to book a reservation on your chosen alternative as soon as possible.
At the station and boarding

The German word for train station is Bahnhof. If you're in a large city, you will most likely be using the Hauptbahnhof, or central station. Stations are usually located near the heart of the city, except in small towns where they're often located on the edge of town. Large cities will usually have a number of suburban stations as well. Berlin used to have several "main" stations, with the venerable Zoo station serving as the primary station in the western half of the city, and the Ostbahnhof, which prior to 1998 had been named Hauptbahnhof, being the hub for the eastern part. However, a massive new Hauptbahnhof for the city opened in May 2006 across the Spree River from the Reichstag on the site of the former Lehrter Bahnhof, replacing the other stations as the city's main terminus. The five-level glass-shrouded Berlin Hauptbahnhof has a train departing on average every 90 seconds. By contrast, many teeny-tiny villages have only a single trackside platform served by a handful of trains a day. Three of Germany's Hauptbahnhofs are among the five busiest in Europe: Hamburg, Frankfurt, and Munich.
Note that many large stations have both above-ground and below-ground track levels. Below-ground platforms are generally listed on schedules and signs as "tief", e.g. "Berlin Hbf (tief)". In many cases, the below-ground platforms are for S-Bahn lines.
Signs in the major stations are in German and English and use standard international pictograms. Here are some of the more important ones:
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Information |
Tickets |
Ticket office |
Waiting room |
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Restrooms |
Luggage office |
Luggage lockers |
Lost and found |
In most stations, there will also be large electronic display boards strategically placed around the station showing all the upcoming trains and their status. If you see information shown on a white background, pay attention — this usually indicates delays, platform changes, or other information you need to be aware of. Delays can be shown in a couple of ways depending on the format of the sign: either as the new departure time shown in white next to the original time, or the number of minutes the train is delayed will be shown in a crawling message, e.g. "15 min. verspätet" or "+15 min." Cancellations are usually indicated with "fällt aus."
Sadly, pretty much all of the old electromechanical "split-flap" signs with their distinctive clicking sound have been phased-out in favor of the new digital displays.

Once you arrive at the designated track, confirm you are at the correct place by checking the overhead platform indicator displays. There are a variety of displays currently in use; examples of the most common ones are in the photos below. These show the train number, destination, intermediate stops, and departure time of the next train at that platform. Keep in mind that if you arrive rather early, the display may be showing a train that comes before yours; subsequent trains are often shown in a list at the bottom or, on some newer displays, to the side.

There will also often be a section on the display that shows where the carriages of the train will stop along the platform. More to that end, you will usually find an utterly practical chart called a Wagenreihungsplan or Wagenstandanzeiger somewhere along the platform. This chart shows the composition of the trains (mostly long-distance trains) that use that track and where they will stop along the platform in relation to lettered signs above the platform (section A, B, C, and so on). If you have a seat reservation, check your reservation ticket for the carriage number (usually listed after the word "Wagen".) Locate your train on the chart and find that carriage number and its position relative to the lettered sections. Then go wait near the corresponding lettered sign and, magically, you'll be within a few steps of your carriage when the train arrives. If you don't have a reservation, find where a first or second class carriage (depending on your ticket) that's headed in your direction will stop and wait there. First class carriages are shown in yellow; second class carriages in green.
Note that sometimes the composition of trains is changed at the last minute; this is usually announced at the platform and may also be noted on the digital displays.

Since the newer platform indicator displays show the train composition, many stations are now doing away with the paper train composition charts. Examples of these displays are below. First class carriages are shown in white on these displays.

Occasionally, the platform for a train may be changed at the last minute. This is usually announced via loudspeaker. If you don't understand the announcement (even native speakers often don't), watch the reaction of the people waiting with you. If everyone grumbles and starts walking away, you can bet that they just announced a change, so scurry along with the herd. Such changes will also usually be posted on the main departure boards as well as on the platform indicator displays. For instance, if the display at platform 4 lists your train but has a special notice reading "Gleis 12", then that means your train has been moved to track 12.
Just to keep everyone on their toes, sometimes not all carriages on a train will go to the same destination. Carriages are sometimes switched to other trains en route or just sidetracked altogether. If you don't have a reservation, you'll need to verify that the carriage you are boarding is actually going where you want to go. You can use the aforementioned train composition chart to determine this ahead of time, and when the train arrives at the platform, check for the signs on or near each door on the train that lists the train and carriage numbers, origin and destination, and intermediate stops. Some older and regional trains still use paper signs, but most trains now have electronic displays. Make sure you see your target listed on the carriage you board or you could very well wind-up on a different continent. If in doubt, ask the conductor.
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Once you're ready to board, allow those who want to disembark to do so first, then hop on. If no one is waiting to get off the train, the door may not open — look for a button or handle to open the door.
Make sure you are at the platform well before your train's scheduled departure time. While some trains may have a lengthy stopover, especially at major stations or at the starting point for a route, most trains stop for just a couple of minutes. Connections are meticulously timed, so it is imperative that everything run on time lest a train-sized monkey wrench get caught in the cogs of the giant GermanRail machine. Accordingly, lollygaggers take note: if you're even a minute late, you could miss your train!
The conductor will often blow a whistle just before departure. The doors will close automatically shortly thereafter, usually with a beeping warning sound followed by a satisfying clunk.
On board

If you find that someone is already sitting in your seat, simply tell them that you have a reservation ("Entschuldigung, ich habe diesen Platz reserviert.") Most Germans will vacate the seat cheerfully (real or feigned), although occasionally you may have to insist with a squatter. Be sure to claim your seat as soon as you can — reservations expire if you don't claim your seat within 15 minutes of departure.
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and overhead electronic reservation display in an open seating carriage (right)
If you have not reserved a seat, then look for a vacant seat and check to see if there is a reservation for it. Seat reservations will be shown via an electronic display by the seat numbers, although note that these are sometimes are out of order. Some older trains still use small paper tags in a little plastic doohickey. In both cases, last-minute reservations may not be shown.
The reservation does not show names, but rather shows the city pair of the segment(s) for which it is reserved. For example, a reservation showing "Mannheim - Frankfurt" means the seat is reserved between Mannheim and Frankfurt. If your journey doesn't include that section, you can have the seat. If only part of your journey overlaps, you may sit there until that segment reached and the seat is claimed. If there are other passengers nearby, you might make sure it doesn't already have a squatter by asking them if it is available ("Ist hier noch frei?")
Note that there are sometimes general generic reservations for people with small children (posted as "Kleinkinder"), for handicapped people ("Schwerbehindert"), and seats that the DB holds for last-minute sales (usually marked as "ggf freigeben", which means "surrender on demand"); you can sit in these if they're unoccupied, but if someone comes along saying they've reserved the seat, you'll have to move. Seats marked with "bahn.comfort" or something similar are for holders of a BahnCard and must be surrendered if someone claims them (although they might assume you also have a BahnCard and not even ask!), and seats marked "ggf reserviert" mean the reservation system is out-of-date (in which case, they'll probably all show this), and essentially has the same meaning as "ggf freigeben".
At the appointed time, the train will depart. The departure is usually so smooth that you may not even notice you're moving unless you're looking out the window.

Most regional and local trains no longer have conductors — passengers on these trains are on the honor system. You must purchase all tickets and reservations before you board these trains. Periodic spot checks are made and hefty fines are levied against those without valid tickets. Oh, and don't try to hide in the WC — they don't find that amusing for some reason.

On the ICE and IC trains, as well as some regional trains, there are electronic displays overhead and/or at the ends of the carriages showing the train's itinerary, scheduled and estimated arrival times, and occasionally the train's speed.

Most long-distance trains have a bistro, buffet, restaurant, or lounge carriage serving a variety of foods, snacks, and beverages, including beer and wine. Some trains will have a server that passes through the carriages selling drinks and snacks. Wandering around the train will also allow you to interact with others and get that sense of belonging with the other travelers. I have had many an interesting conversation with people while waiting in line for a drink.
All ICE and IC trains now have free Wi-Fi, although it can sometimes be spotty. On ICE trains, once you connect to the Wi-Fi, you can connect to the "ICE Portal" entertainment service on your device (go to ICEportal.de in your browser). Here, you can watch free movies and TV shows and get information about the train including the current status of internet connectivity.
Most ICE trains and some IC trains have power outlets at the seats — on some trains, they're at every seat, on others, only at selected seats. These outlets are usually 220 volt, so you will need to make sure your device either accepts that voltage or you have a transformer. You may also need a plug adapter. Most ICE trains also now have signal repeaters for improved mobile phone reception. At the other end of the spectrum, most ICE trains also have a "quiet zone" carriage, where use of mobile phones is strongly discouraged; be sure to look for this when reserving if that's your preference.

As the train pulls into your station, be standing near a door and when the wheels grind to a halt, open the door, and hop off. To open the door, look for a handle or green button — either should be fairly obvious. As the disembarking passenger, you have the right-of-way over people trying to clamber aboard, but be prepared to shove your way through any Teutons who aren't minding their manners.
Once you get off the train, follow the "Ausgang" signs to leave the station. Large stations have multiple exits, so double-check to make sure you're headed in the right direction. If you're transferring to local public transportation, follow the appropriate signs. If you are making connections, check the electronic departure boards to find out which track your connecting train leaves from, then follow the signs directing you to that platform. Connection information is also usually announced and displayed on board the train as it approaches each station. In some cases, you may only have to cross the platform for your connecting train.
That said, trains are quite safe, although it is not recommended that you sit in an otherwise empty carriage at night.
Bus and ferry service
The DB operates regional bus service (DB Regio Bus) in several areas served infrequently or not at all by rail. Most of these routes depart from the Zentralomnibusbahnhof (ZOB), or central bus station, usually located adjacent to a train station. The DB also operates the KD cruise boat service along the Rhine River from Cologne to Mainz. Rail tickets and passes are valid on both of these services.
Other sites of interest
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Deutsche Bahn https://www.bahn.de |
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DB train stations https://www.bahnhof.de/bahnhof-en |
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The German Way (by Hyde Flippo) https://www.german-way.com/travel-and-tourism/train-travel-europe/train-travel-in-germany/ |
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RailFanEurope.net (by Marco van Uden) http://www.railfaneurope.net |
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Railways in Germany(by Hisayuki Huh) http://www.rig-bahn.jp/ |
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Erik's Rail News (by Erik Sandblom) https://eriksrailnews.com/ |
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Rick Steves' Guide to Rail Passes https://www.ricksteves.com/rail/rail_menu.htm |
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Eurail https://www.eurail.com/en |
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Rail Europe https://www.raileurope.com/en |
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Railpass.com https://www.railpass.com |